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Richard Liebowitz's Blog

Inspiring Acts of Kindness and Everyday Philanthropy

Inspiring Acts of Kindness and Everyday Philanthropy

In a world that often seems chaotic and fast-paced, acts of kindness and everyday philanthropy serve as beacons of hope and reminders of the inherent goodness within humanity. Small gestures of compassion, generosity, and selflessness can create a ripple effect,...

Social Impact Assessment in Philanthropy

Social Impact Assessment in Philanthropy

In the world of philanthropy, the desire to make a positive social impact is a driving force. However, to truly understand the effectiveness of philanthropic efforts, it is essential to conduct a thorough social impact assessment. This assessment involves evaluating...

The Benefits and Challenges of Donor-Advised Funds

The Benefits and Challenges of Donor-Advised Funds

In charitable giving, donor-advised funds (DAFs) have gained significant popularity in recent years. Offering a flexible and strategic approach to philanthropy, DAFs provide donors unique benefits while presenting a few challenges.  Benefits of Donor-Advised Funds ...

Creating Sustainable Social Impact

Creating Sustainable Social Impact

Creating a sustainable social impact involves more than just short-term solutions. It requires a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of social issues, engages communities, and promotes long-lasting change. From social entrepreneurship to community...